Example Games

The typing game kit includes the implementation of two simple typing games. The games are located in the TypingGame Kit/Examples/Games/ folder.

Asteroid Typing 2D

Asteroid Typing 2D illustrates the implementation of a simple top-down typing game. Asteroids will be flung at the player's ship whilst the player frantically shoots at the asteroids to survive.

Asteroid Typing.
Asteroid Typing.

Scene Overview

The Asteroid Typing 2D game uses the Sequence Overlay which is located inside the scene's canvas object.

The game is principally controlled by the AsteroidGameManager script, located on the scene's Game Manager object. The asteroids' creation, spawn rate, speed, and sequences are controlled by the AsteroidSpawner script located on the Asteroid Spawner object. The PlayerShip script attached to the Player Ship object triggers the ship's laser animations and sounds.

Once the player ship inevitably explodes the GameManager will pause the game and show the results panel. The results panel will show the resulting score, high score, and give the player the option to try again.

Alien Typing 3D

Alien Typing demonstrates the implementation of a rail-based typing game. The player travels through a spaceship and shoots at hostile aliens as they approach.

Alien typing.
Alien typing.

Scene Overview

The Alien Typing 3D game utilizes the sequence overlay to show the input sequences next to enemies. The sequence overlay is defined inside the canvas. The game's flow is controlled by the AlienGameManager on the Game Manager object.

The player and camera are located inside the Player Path object. The player's movement path is defined by an animation. Events along the path animation will trigger where the player will stop and fight the enemies in the next encounter. The PlayerPath script manages the player path events and is located on the Player Path object. The PlayerPath keeps references to the encounters that will be triggered in order along the animation path. The enemy encounters are located inside the Enemy Encounters object. Each Enemy that is a child of an EnemyEncounter object will attack the player once that section is triggered.

Once the player dies or completes the level the GameManager will pause the game and show the results panel and let the player have another go.